SAFETY FIRST: We're taking extra measures to ensure your children are safe in our school. More details
Our program for four-year-olds encompasses a wide variety of planned activities centered
around the developmental goals of the program. These educational activities offer your
child experiences in language, math, science, music, and art. Our program focuses on the
established developmental level of the children as individuals and is designed to meet
each one where they are and lead them forward. Your child will be taught fine
motor skills, reading, writing and math readiness. They will be able to
retell stories and, in the process learn to sequence. Simple analogies are
also introduced to expand critical thinking skills. Throughout their time in
pre-kindergarten, your child will develop self-esteem, learn how to follow
instructions, listen, and communicate effectively, practice self-control,
connect with others, manage bathroom needs and actively participate in
physical activities. We consistently evaluate your child’s kindergarten
readiness based on age-appropriate benchmarks to assess individual growth
and development.
Developmental Milestones
• Repeats fine motor activities to mastery
• Draws recognizable objects
• Begins to develop longer periods of activity without rest needed
• Masters language to describe activities, stories, and spatial relationships
• Demonstrates sense of autonomy
• Becomes aware of own effect on the emotions of others and tests this
Curriculum Developmental Domains and Goals
• Social-Emotional Development
• To promote sense of self
• To encourage responsibility for self and others
• To encourage pro-social behavior
• Physical Development
• To promote gross motor skills
• To promote fine motor skills
• Cognitive Development
• To promote learning and problem solving skills
• To encourage logical thinking
• To promote representational and symbolical thinking
• Language Development
• To develop listening and speaking skills
• To develop reading and writing skills
Four-year-olds feel good about the things they can do, show self-confidence, and are
willing to try new adventures.
At Scholars Tech we also promote learning through the following:
● Reading aloud each day and encourage children to look at books on their own. Provide alternative reading material with a collection of outdated coupons, junk mail, newspaper ads, and old cereal boxes.
● Saying nursery rhymes and finger plays together.
● Encouraging them to tell stories to younger children.
● Encourage interest in writing and words. We provide them with paper and notebooks for writing. Print letters and numerals on artwork, and label toy shelves with pictures and words that describe objects.
● Providing a variety of art experiences like: Make play dough. Create collages from magazine pictures, fabric, wallpaper, and newsprint. Encourage children to experiment with new media like wire and cork, soda straws, string, or yarn. Teach
scholars to mix different colors with paint.
● Teaching important number and space concepts. Sort and count everything in sight, like silverware, socks, rocks, leaves, etc. Talk about things being in, on, under, behind, beside, before and after, larger than, too far, etc.
● We teach our four year olds the correct use of the telephone.
● Four-year-olds have a strong need to feel important and worthwhile. That’s why we praise accomplishments and provide opportunities to experience freedom and independence.
● Teaching the use of landmarks to find their way around your neighborhood.
● Encouraging physical development like playing follow the leader. Pretend to walk like various animals. Set up an obstacle course indoors with challenges such as crawling, climbing, leaping, balancing, running across stepping stones and
encourage walking with a beanbag on the head.
● Encouraging multicultural awareness through representative dolls, puppets, pictures, and books. Encourage cultural aspects of all the families, and learn recipes, songs, and information about cultural celebrations.
● Expanding dramatic play by providing a variety of props for themes like grocery
store, pizza parlor, birthday party, and firefighter
Additionally, our curriculum is based on the premise that children learn through active
and direct interaction with materials with the adults who facilitate children’s learning.
Manipulatives, puzzles, games, and art materials stimulate "hands-on" learning and
concrete learning experiences. We also know that children do not learn skills in isolation.
Shapes, colors, numbers, letters, and phonemic awareness are used throughout each day
to give children a strong readiness foundation. We are always looking for fun and
interesting ways to stimulate children’s learning.