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Your two-year-old is becoming more verbal, continuing to explore more things around 

them and beginning to develop social skills. A balanced routine and flexibility is 

important at this age as your child’s developmental needs are different from their peers. 

Our learning curriculum is designed to stimulate the whole child through experiences in 

math, science, language, drama, technology, and music. Language development is rapid 

at this age, so we also take this opportunity to help increase their vocabulary.  


Children in this age group are filled with energy and curiosity about the world and a new 

sense of increasing independence. Two's are highly energetic and interested in objects and 



people. They're undergoing rapid development in many areas, and eager for attention to 

help them learn and understand basic things about how the world works.  


Educators at Scholars Tech understands that the two-year-old’s environment should be 

less structured and the schedule more flexible. However, we offer children a secure, 

loving environment, with an established routine and flexible schedule. Weekly themes are 

introduced which incorporate the developmental goals of the curriculum.  The daily 

routines of saying hello and goodbye, preparing and eating food, napping, diapering and 

toileting, and dressing occupy a significant part of a 2-year-olds day. Routines are 

themselves learning opportunities, rather than events to be "gotten through." 


This age group need plenty of space for free play. Like preschoolers, they like to have 

choices, but they can only handle a limited number. Moreover, they do better with fewer 

planned activities at set times. Our educators take their cues from the children, observing 

how the children explore interesting materials. Because most twos are not yet ready to 

share toys and equipment, you will see duplicates of popular toys rather than a great 

variety. Two-year-old’s like to stick together and may not want to break up into different 

activity groups, but rather all use similar materials at the same time.  You will find 

confidence that the teachers at Scholars Tech identifies with your two-year-old! 


Developmental Milestones 


• Shows interest in fine motor skills like coloring and cutting 

• Enjoys using body for large motions: running, dancing, kicking 

• Can form phrases and small sentences 

• Identifies names with people and objects 

• Begins to recognize that others have feelings 

• Attempts to regulate toilet habits 

• Uses body to express emotions 


Developmental Goals 


• To encourage and promote a positive self-image 

• To encourage language development and concrete thinking skills 

• To encourage creative development 

• To begin developing attention span 

• To encourage healthy toilet training 

• To promote physical development and sound nutrition 


We use a combination of curricula together because it translates research and theory from 

the field of early childhood education into a practical, easy-to-understand approach to 

working with children and their families. It is a combined comprehensive curriculum 

with a clear organizational structure and a particular focus on routines and experiences 

that our two-year-olds need. 

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